(I received this product for review, but all opinions are my own.) (This is a sponsored post from The Toothless Monster.) Hi guys! March 31 Ivy turned 5 years old.Ā CoincidentallyĀ it was also the dayĀ thatĀ she lost herĀ very first tooth. Ivy was so excited! I was so shocked, I had no idea her tooth was even loose. That night Ivy went to sleep early with so muchĀ excitement about theĀ tooth fairy comingĀ you'd think it wasĀ SantaĀ Claus coming instead. When Ivy woke up she found that ...
5 pretend play toys for under $30.00 (featuring. KidzLane).
(I received this product for review, but all opinions are my own.Ā This is a compensated post from KidzLane.) Hi guys! I don't know about you but I've been doing a littleĀ ChristmasĀ shopping. I did shop around a bit in the stores duringĀ Black Friday, but I did not find many things I wanted. I was shopping for the kids, and that can sometimes be a hard task, not because they are picky but because they get bored so easily. Plus on top of that toys are freaking expensive. So in today's blog post ...
Bedtime reading made fun with Moonlite.
Hi guys! How does your bedtime routine go? Well in our house the girls might have a bath then a little bit of play time, brush their teeth and then it's story time. Storytime is one of their most favorite things about bedtime.. hmm let's face it it's their only favorite thing about bedtime. When it's time for story time the girls will sit on both sides of me and I will read maybe one or two books to them. They really enjoy reading. I always try to make it fun for them by doing different things ...
3 ways to make your little girl feel like a princess everyday.
Hi guys! As you know by now by I am a mommy of two. Two amazing, incredibly, out of this world free-spirited girls. I sleep, breath and eat being a girl mom. From ballet to skirts, big bows and pink everything I love it all. I feel like pretty lucky to have Ivy and Aria. I always treat them as if they are my little princesses daily, which is why on the blog today I decided to share 3 ways to make your little girl feel like a princess every day too with Little Adventures. Little ...
2018 holiday toy gift guide (featuring. RedwoodVentures, Hog Wild & YULU toys).
Hi guys! Do your little ones enjoy creative toys? Toys that test their imaginationĀ and make their minds run wild? Toys that dare to be different than anything else on the shelf in the store? Well if this sounds like somethingĀ for your little ones and you are still searching for a toy gift guide for the upcomingĀ holidays well I got chu. I've teamed up with RedwoodVentures,Ā Hog Wild and YULU toysĀ to bring you their toy gift guide.Ā Ā I think we all could agree that play inspires long-lasting ...
Growing up as a girl with Our Generation dolls.
Hi guys! Do you have daughter(s)? What are your dreams, goals, and hopes for them? As you guys know I have not one but two daughters and they are my whole heart and entire world. As a mom of girls, I know that they look up to me as a role model and everything I do. I make sure I make the best decisionsĀ I can because I know that they are watching. For me my dreams for them are for them to dream big, my goals for them are to grow up to be something amazing and my hope for them is that they stay ...