Hi guys! We all have bad days right? maybe a flat tire, work blues or a rude stranger. No matter what a bad day looks like to you, one thing is for sure it isn't fun. So take your bad day and times it by 100 that is what a bad day looks like to a dramatic toddler. As parents we all know that nap time, not buying a toy in Target, or turning of their favorite cartoon isn't really a bad day. But to our toddlers it is. That is why today I am going to give you 5 easy tips for fixing a toddlers bad ...
toddler date
“Mommy can I say stupid?”.
Hi guys! Last week my girls and I decided to take a trip to Target to buy them some new sandals. They were having a really good sale I couldn't pass up. I took the girls out of their car seat and put them in the shopping cart. Rolling through the parking lot I realized that we had a bad cart. You know it was scrubbing and making super loud noises. So once in the store I decided to trade out the carts for a new one. "This cart is stupid! let's get a new one." I said to the girls. Aria paid ...
4th of ju-girls day.
Hi guys! We have passed the 4th of July holiday and I cant even express to you how happy I am that the day is over and done with. 4th of July has never been and never will be one of my favorite holidays. Spending the quality time with my family is awesome but the fireworks hmm.. not so awesome. Every year we have a family tradition. What we do is head to the lake and have a huge BBQ, the kids play in the water, the grown ups catch up, food is cooking it's a great time. Then we head to ...
KNIB (June).
Hi guys! What is one thing most of us like to do during the summer time? That's right! Camping. Ah the smell of the woods, the BBQ grilling, all of the beautiful hiking trails, stories by the camp fire. I can go on and on all day, camping is so much fun. But this summer we are a little bit busy, so while I can't promise my kids a camping trip this year, I can promise them one with the June Kids Night In Box. This month's KNIB is all about the joys of camping with your little ones right at ...
KNIB (May).
Hi guys! Did you have a piggy bank when you were smaller? I did, I use to love to put change inside and listen to it all rattle around as I shook the bank. I think my most favorite thing was when it was time to break it open. Breaking the little piggy open was so sad, but seeing all the money I collected was so exciting. These days the little piggy's are still around but they come with an open and close slot at the bottom of it, so the excitement of breaking it open is gone. Saving money is ...
Little doughnut date.
Hi guys A few weekends ago I got up and was to lazy to make breakfast for the girls. Sue me. I went through the kitchen trying to find something simple like cereal or a pop tart but couldn't find anything quick and easy. By this time both of my girls we're up giving me the where's breakfast mommy look. Still tired I decide to pack the girls in the car and head down to one of our favorite neighborhood doughnut shops. So doughnuts it was for breakfast. I let the girls pick out their own ...