Hi friends. Can you imagine waking up one day and going to check on your little one, only to see that they appear to still be sound asleep, but there’s blood on their pillow? You’d be mortified, right? I know I was when that happened to me. The story of Ivy. The day before, the girls and I had been at my best friend’s birthday party, celebrating her son. Ivy complained of ear pain before the party, and I gave her Tylenol. Prior to this, she had not complained of ear pain at all. The ...
5 Steps To Take When Your Water Heater Breaks.
Hi friends! The other night I walked into my kid's room and suddenly my socks were wet. I annoyingly asked my girls who spilled water? Crickets. Okay, I asked again.. "it was Ivy!". Aria had no problem busting out her sister and Ivy just went ahead and took the wrap for it. Super irritated I made Ivy go to bed early and put a towel down to dry up the water. In the morning when I went to wake Ivy not only was the spot on the floor still wet but it had grown even bigger! Ivy couldn't have possibly ...
5 tips on what to do when your marriage hits a rough patch.
Hi friends! Can I ask you a question? Are you married? Well if you are then you know that marriage is a very beautiful journey. Being married means having a best friend whos always there no matter what. Someone who will love you, care for you and protect you through everything in life. While marriage is one of the most amazing things in life it's not all rainbows and heart-eye emojis. Sometimes things can get really tough. Marriage takes hard work, a ton of dedication and two people who are ...
How I pulled up my Pinterest views to 131k in 9 days without using Tailwind.
Hi friends! Recently I have decided to take my blogging to the next level. This means branching out of my comfort zone to do new things like taking on affiliate marketing, more guest post, learning about SEO, how to manage my blog correctly and so forth. So when I learned most of that starts with Pinterest I knew it was time I got serious about my Pinterest account. My Pinterest account was just like anybody else’s. Really random things I liked. Such as kids crafts, food recipes, and the ...
5 tips for a better nights sleep as a parent.
Hi friends! Ever heard the expression “sleep like a baby”? I'm sure we all have, right? Having a good night’s sleep is the best and it's something everyone needs. May is Better Sleep Month. Yep! sure is. May is the month that encourages us all to sleep better and sleep well. So today I have teamed up with the to not only give you guys tips on how to sleep like a kid but also what helps me sleep, too. Are you ready for the best sleep you’ve ever had? As a parent, I often ...
5 tips on packing lunch for your little ones (featuring. Yumbox).
Hi guys! What do you think when you hear food's like tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, or ham sandwiches? For me, I hear all of the things Ivy will not eat when I pack her lunch. Recently I have started packing lunch for Ivy to take to school because she doesn't like the lunch in the cafeteria. But even though I am packing a lunch for her she doesn't always eat it. I think it's safe to say I got a picky eater on my hands. So I thought what could I do to make lunchtime easier for Ivy and myself? ...