(I received this product for review, but all opinions are my own.) (This is a sponsored post from The Toothless Monster.) Hi guys! March 31 Ivy turned 5 years old. Coincidentally it was also the day that she lost her very first tooth. Ivy was so excited! I was so shocked, I had no idea her tooth was even loose. That night Ivy went to sleep early with so much excitement about the tooth fairy coming you'd think it was Santa Claus coming instead. When Ivy woke up she found that ...
5 tips for dealing with toddlers sore throats (Featuring Lolleez).
Hi guys! One tough thing about having a toddler is when they are sick, especially when they have a sore throat. It can be really hard to tell when your toddler has a sore throat. I know when Ivy has a sore throat she usually will tell me "her tongue is itchy." It took me a long time to realize exactly what it was she was trying to tell me. Eventually, I figured it out and we solved the problem, but man sore throats are awful. So in today's post, I bring you guys 5 tips for dealing with toddlers ...
Family fun with Quinn.
Hi guys! my most prized possession ever is my family. I love them so much. So when I'm not working 40 hours a week I like to spend all my spare time with them. No matter if it's laying down cuddling and watching Netflix. Or playing a game on the iPad together. I try to get as much family time in as I can. One of our most favorite things to do together is eat. Oh yes the Carr Family loves to eat. We love home made food, fast food, food truck food, food, food.. oh yeah and more food! we love it ...