Thank you Malt-O-Meal for sponsoring this post. Head to the Malt-O-Meal cereal Facebook page to learn more about a chance to win one of 60 $500 gifts, personalized just for you!! Hi friends! If you're a mother reading this raise your spoons and grab your bowls because this one's for you mom! As moms, we always figured we worked really hard right? right well then all of our worlds were flipped upside down by the pandemic and we started working even harder than we ever had before. We ...
mom life
Girlfriend.. you need a date!
Hi mom! No, not my mom. You! You the mom reading this. Yes, mom, I'm talking to you. I know you are tired. I know you are fed up. I know you are two dirty diapers away from going on a mom strike. I feel your pain hun. As moms, we wake up before the kids just to get an ounce of alone time or hell to drink our coffee warm for once. If you're like me you probably drag tired kids out of bed forcing them to brush their teeth, get them dressed, attempting to explain to them why they can't wear their ...
Why my daugters are my heros.
(I received this product for review, but all opinions are my own. This is a sponsored post by Mila & Rose.) Hi friends. Today's blog post is a little bit out of the norm because it's not like a tip or product review. Though I did receive some pretty awesome dresses from Mila and Rose that inspired this post. A few weeks ago Mila and Rose posted brand new dresses to their website. While each dress was beautiful in its own way there was one dress that really stood out to me and ...
Why I’ll no longer label myself a bad mom.
Hi friends, Today’s post isn’t sponsored, it isn’t a rant or anything or at least I don’t think it’s sort of just like me venting to all of you from one parent to another. These last few weeks getting ready for the holidays have honestly kicked my ass. It seems like ever since after Thanksgiving I just can’t seem to catch a break. Where do I even began? Ivy had Jersey day at preschool I put it on my planner but then totally forgot about it. I mean how can you forget about something that’s on ...
5 tips for dealing with toddlers sore throats (Featuring Lolleez).
Hi guys! One tough thing about having a toddler is when they are sick, especially when they have a sore throat. It can be really hard to tell when your toddler has a sore throat. I know when Ivy has a sore throat she usually will tell me "her tongue is itchy." It took me a long time to realize exactly what it was she was trying to tell me. Eventually, I figured it out and we solved the problem, but man sore throats are awful. So in today's post, I bring you guys 5 tips for dealing with toddlers ...