Hi friends. Can you imagine waking up one day and going to check on your little one, only to see that they appear to still be sound asleep, but there’s blood on their pillow? You’d be mortified, right? I know I was when that happened to me. The story of Ivy. The day before, the girls and I had been at my best friend’s birthday party, celebrating her son. Ivy complained of ear pain before the party, and I gave her Tylenol. Prior to this, she had not complained of ear pain at all. The ...
mom hack
Mom Hack: How to get your kiddos to take fish oil with Kids Smart High DHA Chewables.
“This post is sponsored by; Kids Smart however, all thoughts and opinions are my own.” Hi Friends! If you have been following along with my blog by now you know that I have a 4 and a 5-year-old both girls. Also if you have been following for a while then you know that I am all about mom hacks. As a mom of two, I am always on the hunt for ways to make mom's life easier. No hack is too little or small, I'll take them all. So needless to say when I learned about a hack to get my kids to take ...
Toddler on the go with Nuby Snack N’ Sip cup.
(I received these products for review, but all opinions are my own. This is a sponsored post from Nuby.) Official Parent Nuby Blogger. Hi friends! Do your littles prefer snacking and sipping? Or sipping and snacking? Either way, it goes you can’t wrong when you have the Nuby Snack N’ Sip cup. The Nuby Snack N’ Sip cup is an awesome cup that’ll change the way your toddlers eat and drink. It’s a cup with a container built right into the top of it. Yes! So not only can your ...
4 ways to stop your toddlers temper tantrum in target.
Hi guys! Target! Target! Target! hey, got your attention now uh? who doesn't love Target? Target is literally the best store ever. It's a moms version of Disney land. I don't know any mom who doesn't love Target. But what is one thing we don't love when shopping at Target? Yep TTTT. what in the world is TTTT? it's the dreaded Target. Toddler. Temper. Tantrum. yes, mama, we've all been there enjoying our Target trip when suddenly our toddler wants to get wild and throw a tantrum in the ...
Mom Hack: How I’m teaching my toddlers to write their name.
Hi friends! As you know I am a mom of two wonderful toddlers Ivy is 5 and Aria is 3. While being a mom of toddlers is fun and rewarding it can also be very challenging as well. Especially when it comes to learning. While both of my kids love asking questions and learning new things it can be hard for them to get the hang of it the first try. Therefore making them discouraged and not want to learn new things sometimes. That's where the challenge then comes in for me. "How can I get them ...
Mom Hack: How to keep your floors clean with Bona Quick Clean System.
(This post is sponsored by Bona but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.) Hi friends! What are you up to? get any cleaning done today? If the answer is no, then how come? If the answer is yes, then right on! I know as a mom getting cleaning done sometimes can seem impossible. There's so much to be done with the kids. Plus at the end of the day who wants to worry about cleaning right? Though on the other hand who doesn't love the feeling of a clean home? Ah, it's a catch ...