This post has been sponsored by JohnsonāsĀ®. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Ā Hi friends! What does your daily routine look like with your little ones? Well in our house, the girls wake up, eat breakfast, play a little, and then get ready for their day. Which means choosing something to wear and then, well, then comes the part I dread the most: hair time! My girls love getting all dressed up in their "pretty clothes," as they call it. So naturally, they want their hair to look ...
hair care
Curly Q hair for Curls.
Hi guys! guess what? Curls, curls, and more curls! I am the proud mama of two curly headed toddlers. My girls got curls for the girls. Yes, honey, I'm talking curls for days! They can hand some out to everybody and still have a head full. I love their curly hair, but it's a struggling, tangled hot mess sometimes. So if I can find different ways and different products to make it easier then I am so in. Shopping through the aisles of Target or Walmart there are so many hair care products for ...
Bella B detangler.
Hi guys! You remember that one time Ivy's hair got a brush stuck in it oh, oh or that one time Aria's hair was so tangled I couldn't run my fingers through it? oooh or do you guys remember that one time when both my girls hair had a thousand and one knots in it.. oh wait nope, cant remember? me neither.. why? probably because it never happened! Now thanks to my good friends over at Bella B it more than likely never will. I do not like knots in my girl's hair. They get in there and they ...
Reagan Sanai.
Hi guys! I am a mommy of two perfect souls Ivy is 3 and Aria is 2. I have been lucky enough to have very healthy girls. Besides a scrapped up knee or one of the typical imaginary (I need you to kiss my boo-boo that doesn't hurt because I'm a drama queen) boo-boos. My girls have been blessed enough to not have any health problems. While this has been the case unfortunately the both have one little problem and that's eczema. Aria has lucked out enough to not have it very bad at all. Ivy on the ...
Bounce Curl.
Ari and her bounce curls. Hi guys Long hair don't care, Curls for the girls, curls gone wild! what? well if you have kids like mine you've heard all the crazy sayings about curly hair. Ivy and Aria have always had curly wild hair from day one. Ivy has more hair than her sister. It is wild and long and super thick. When I say thick I mean thick! You can loose your comb, brush and a pack of hair ties in that head of hers. Then we have my tiny little Aria. Aria's hair may be a bit ...
Zay the barber.
Zay the barber at work. Hi guys! I was talking to my husband recently when he had mentioned he was going to get his hair cut. When my husband gets his hair cut hes like a whole new husband. He comes back home after his appointment with a whole new confidence. It's damn nice. Guys aren't very picky about many things but if its one they thing are picky about it's about who cuts their hair. So I'd like to introduce you guys to the man behind the hair cut, Isaiah Ford. Isaiah is a amazing ...