Hi friends! It's been a long, long, long time since my last rendition on Ivy say's. So as you can imagine I have a pretty fun blog post for you today (check out the other renditions of Ivy says here.) So here is the latest version of Ivy says. UPDATE: I wrote this blog maybe three years ago and never got around to posting it. Ivy is nine now, so the stuff that she says is left outrageous but nevertheless, enjoy this post. "Dad's need their rest to be strong and ...
Ivy says.
Hi friends! It’s been a while but I’m back with another fun segment of Ivy says. A bunch of my readers seem to really like this segment. So I’ll definitely have to post more of Ivy. But for today enjoy! UPDATE: I wrote this blog maybe three years ago and never got around to posting it. Ivy is nine now, so the stuff that she says is left outrageous but nevertheless, enjoy this post. Ivy Says. “Ya, you’re a big girl u wear pull-ups!” When I told Aria she was a big ...
5 things to do when you child has a ruptured ear infection.
Hi friends. Can you imagine waking up one day and going to check on your little one, only to see that they appear to still be sound asleep, but there’s blood on their pillow? You’d be mortified, right? I know I was when that happened to me. The story of Ivy. The day before, the girls and I had been at my best friend’s birthday party, celebrating her son. Ivy complained of ear pain before the party, and I gave her Tylenol. Prior to this, she had not complained of ear pain at all. The ...
SlimyGloop Slimy Sand review.
“This post is sponsored by; Horizon Group USA however, all thoughts and opinions are my own.” Hi friends! What day of quarantine are you on? I don't know about you but I think we're on like day 945. As the days go by I find my kids getting more and more restless. I also find myself running out of fun things to do with them. I mean how many times a day can we paint, ride bikes or watch cartoons. Well just when I thought the kids might totally lose it I got a knock at my door. A little brown ...
DIY painted rainbow activity for kids.
“This post is sponsored by; Horizon Group USA however, all thoughts and opinions are my own.” Hi friends! I think we all know that after every rainstorm comes a beautiful rainbow right? What better way to experience a rainbow than painting your own? and in the comfort of your own living room. Today we do just that. A DIY painted rainbow activity for kids with Creative Roots. DIY painted rainbow activity Creative Roots Paint Your Own Rainbow from Horizon Group USA is a ceramic-like ...
5 Reasons Why Kids Should Play Sports.
Hi friends! As most of you guys know Ivy played her first season of soccer last fall. It was a crazy experience for us as a family because Ivy nor Aria had ever been involved in any type of outdoor sport. Ever since Ivy was a baby she had only did ballet somewhere in between ballet she had a very short stint in gymnastics. But other than that ballet was her only activity. During the month's Ivy played soccer I loved watching all the changes in her. This once shy little girl was now this stand ...