“This post is sponsored by; Russell Bruson & The Sway however, all thoughts and opinions are my own.” Hi friends! As most of us know being an entrepreneur is never an easy road. There are many hurdles we face and many tasks that come our way daily. Yet we also know that at the end of the day the reward of being your own boss, making your own rules, and living your dreams is worth all the hardship. But what if I told you that in 30 days you could not only learn more ...
Be Curious by Joy Cho (book review).
Hi friends! How are you guys today? I am doing great, I am also really excited to talk to you guys today all about the brand new book entitled Be Curious By Joy Cho. Joy Cho is the founder of the colorful brand Oh Joy! Oh Joy! is a brand you might recognize from Target that brings you a variety of products such as clothes, accessories, party decor and more. A few years ago I discovered Joy on Instagram and I immediately fell in love with her eccentric views on life. Joy is a mother of two ...
What I’m reading my toddlers for bedtime.
Hey friends Most of our kids have started back to school by now and most of our schedules are intact. We are starting to get into the swing of things again after the summer which also means our nighttime schedules are starting to become routine again as well. That means dinner, bath, pajamas, homework and of course a good bedtime story. What are my kids reading or wanting me to read for bedtime? Well, we have a couple of favorites and I am going to introduce you to a few of them. Dragons ...
5 reasons to choose Colors with Little Fish for your toddler.
Hi friends! Raise your hand if you are like me and have a lovely thing I'd like to call a toddler at home? Also by show of hands does your toddler happen to like books? Lastly, raise your other hand if your toddler likes to learn new things? Well if you raised your hands to all of these questions, then two things. One.. well you have many hands my friend, and two we have toddlers that are just alike. Well lucky you since your toddler is just like mine then they will definitely love a little ...
Reading fun with Bookroo.
Hi guys! The other day I decided it was time to clean out Ivy and Aria's book shelf. I have been buying books for the girls since 2013. So yes, needless to say they have a ton of books. Cleaning the shelf was long overdue. After getting rid of old books I decided I wanted to re stock with new ones. That is when I came across Bookroo. Bookroo is a monthly subscription of children books delivered right at your door. Bookroo was created by three sister in laws named Tiffany, Rebecca and ...
Little Hippo AR.
Hi guys! As a mother I worry a lot worry about little things like "What will Ivy wear to school?" or "Where did Aria hide her socks?" and I worry about big things like "How much will college cost for my girls?' or "Are they getting enough nutrition in their food?". But now thanks to Little Hippo AR, I don’t ever have to worry about my girls reading books. Little Hippo AR is truly the future of reading They create interactive stories that engage your little's, getting them excited to ...