Hi friends! Notice anything new? Yes! that's right PorshaCarrBlog.com is all new! Come in! take a look around, make yourself comfortable I think you'll like what you see. Back in 2019, I started the process of making the switch over to a new website for many reasons. One, I wanted to reach more people in different places and walks of life. Two I wanted to branch out and I was limited to the amount of personalization I could do with my last hosting site. Lastly three I had outgrown my ...
The truth about becoming a full-time blogger.
Hi Friends! It's been about a year now since I made the switch from working over 40 hours a week in a medical office. To being home blogging full time with my kids. Ever since I made the switch I get asked the same question on a daily basis "how do you like blogging full time now?" Simple question right? Wrong because the short answer I usually give is "I love it, it's fun." But there's so much more I want to say. So much more I have to add. So today I'm telling the truth and nothing but the ...
My blog is 2!
Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday Porsha Carr Blog... happy birthday to you! Hi friends! it's my blog's birthday today! My sweet little baby is finally 2 years old and wow has this been a roller coaster ride of another year. I will be honest with you guys I have been so busy lately with collaborations, my family, life that I almost forgot it was blog's birthday. I mean I knew it was coming up but I had no idea it was this close. This second year of blogging has ...
How I pulled up my Pinterest views to 131k in 9 days without using Tailwind.
Hi friends! Recently I have decided to take my blogging to the next level. This means branching out of my comfort zone to do new things like taking on affiliate marketing, more guest post, learning about SEO, how to manage my blog correctly and so forth. So when I learned most of that starts with Pinterest I knew it was time I got serious about my Pinterest account. My Pinterest account was just like anybody else’s. Really random things I liked. Such as kids crafts, food recipes, and the ...
Sacramento Mommy Flamingle Party.
This blog post contains sponsored links from many wonderful shops who sponsored various items for our mommy blogger/vlogger party. All opinions are mine alone. Hi friends! I can't tell you how over the moon I am to bring you this blog post. For months on top of months, my good friend Maria (Moms Of Sacramento) and I had been working tirelessly night and day, day and night to pull this off. We sent countless emails, had a ton of meetings, messed up and fixed things, fixed things and ...
Saturday at the mommy brunch.
Hi friends! Can I tell you something? Since I started my blog in November of 2017 I have had the chance to meet and interact with so many new faces. I have been able to network with other moms, big brand companies, small businesses and more. Each time that I'm able to meet new people it's fun for me. So last week I had the opportunity to attend a mommy blogger brunch and let me tell you something else it was so legit. The morning of the event I went back and forth with myself "I'm not going" ...