Hi friends! Notice anything new? Yes! that's right PorshaCarrBlog.com is all new! Come in! take a look around, make yourself comfortable I think you'll like what you see. Back in 2019, I started the process of making the switch over to a new website for many reasons. One, I wanted to reach more people in different places and walks of life. Two I wanted to branch out and I was limited to the amount of personalization I could do with my last hosting site. Lastly three I had outgrown my ...
blog tips
The truth about becoming a full-time blogger.
Hi Friends! It's been about a year now since I made the switch from working over 40 hours a week in a medical office. To being home blogging full time with my kids. Ever since I made the switch I get asked the same question on a daily basis "how do you like blogging full time now?" Simple question right? Wrong because the short answer I usually give is "I love it, it's fun." But there's so much more I want to say. So much more I have to add. So today I'm telling the truth and nothing but the ...
Happy 1st birthday to my blog.
Hi guys! Today is a very special day! today my blog is 1 year old and this is my 300th blog post! One year ago today I sat down on an old beat up laptop and created Porsha Carr blog. I had no idea where this would go, I had no idea what it would do, I had no clue what I was doing. I was lost but I was determined to create my blog and I did and today my little baby is one. Since I started my blog I have been lucky enough to write for companies like Mcdonals, Degree Disney, Walgreens and ...
How I started my blog (7 easy steps).
Hi guys! Ever since I started my blog in November 2017 I have got a ton of messages asking me "how did you start your blog?" Starting a blog isn't the easiest thing to do but totally rewarding. My little online home where I keep my thoughts and photos. My blog is very special to me. I hope once you guys read this blog post it will help you be able to start your own blog too. In the few short months, I've had my blog it has been really taking off. I feel really lucky and really very proud of my ...