Hi guys, with Christmas coming up there's so much to do and not enough time to relax and take in the holiday but for me one of the things I do to relax is light a candle. The smell of candles in general are wonderful.. but the smell of a Christmas candle just can't be beat. Recently I found some a great deal on candles at my local Walmart. They are a very decent size and only $3.00. The smell lingers in my bedroom long after I've let my daughters blow them out. Its only been a week and a few ...
Rain & boots.
Hey guys! Yesterday we put the term "lazy Sunday" to shame. We had planned on taking the kids out for dinner but we ordered a pizza instead. We literally did nothing and I mean nothing all day. Actually we did do one thing. It ended up raining all day yesterday so I thought it would be the perfect time to bring out the girls rain boots. You see a good friend of mine name Latesia had a beautiful pair of Hunter toddler rain boots laying around. They had been her daughters and she only used them a ...
Family Photos.
Hey guys! A few weeks ago we took our yearly family photos with the girls. These yearly photos are very important to me because I get took look back at them every year and see how much our family has changed. Also these particular ones are extra special because they are our first family photo shoot as the official "Carr" family since we got married back in August. I'm not going to post all of them but here's some of my favorites. Enjoy! :) My favorite Ā family photo ever. Ā Ā My ...
What to get mom for Christmas.
Hi guys! Fa la la la la la la la laaaaaaaa? Christmas is coming! "but as a mom its a lot of work" According to the movie Bad Moms 2... and you know what they're right. Christmas is a lot of work for us moms. We do all the buying of the gifts, wrapping them up pretty, making sure our wrapping paper matches our bows. We do the cooking, cleaning, the toddler arts and crafts of reindeer made from our kids feet to send grandma. Oh gosh and don't forget the matching family pajamas (which my husband ...
My latest facial obsession.
Hi guys, today I wanted to share with you my latest obsession. For the last month or so I've been really obsessing over face mask. I had tried out so many different kinds but so far my favorite has been the Que Bella brand from Target. I haven't tried the entire line but the ones I have tried have been really awesome! They have many different textures, smells and feels to each and every one of them. Plus get this the best part is they are very inexpensive and start at only $1.97! So if you're ...
Mom style.
Hello guys! Happy Friday. Today was a pretty crazy day.. two wordsĀ BLACK FRIDAY. We did a lot of shopping and took the girls to take their yearly photos with Santa at our local mall so I had to make sure I was comfortable for the occasion. I opted for an all black dress, scarf, cardigan and boots. The weather was amazing for this outfit, fall is literally my favorite time of the year. Whats yours? Photos by: Precious Jenkins Shop this look below: Target Shaker Stitch ...