Hi guys! Is it just me or do you guys give your little's snacks through out the day too? Of course it's not just me, of course you do. We're parents that's what we do. If your toddlers are hungry, hungry hippos like mine then they are snacking all through out the day. Hey nothing wrong with that but I wish there was something.. hmm.. something that was small, yet cute and colorful. You know maybe likE a little baggy with a zipper on it created by the fabulous Bumkins.. OH WAIT THERE ...
Little Adventures.
Hi guys! Girl mom here! I am the proud owner and maker of two beautiful daughters. They are everything! my pride, joy, inspiration, drive, my life. Honestly the world, I love my girls. I love being their mama. Each day is a brand new adventure with them. Each day is a brand new little adventure. So when me and my little adventurer's got a chance to work with the children's clothing store Little Adventures Dress Ups we were super duper ecstatic. Little Adventures is a clothing store founded ...
Drink D.Stil.
Hi Guys! This new year has been off to a pretty nice start! I've ran my first race, lifting more at the gym and now I've even found my latest new drinking obsession the D.Stil water bottle. I absolutely love being fit! It keeps me energized and on top of my game. I wake up five days a week at 5:40 AM get dressed and head to the gym. I work out for one hour, shower and head to start my day. For the rest of my day I'm instantly in a great mood and ready to take on the world. Being fit and being ...
Happy Birthday Mom.
Sorry dad had to cut you out the photo. Hi guys! I just wanted to share with you this quick special post for my beautiful mother. She is my entire being, the woman I am always dreaming of being just like, I'm her biggest fan and shes my number role model. I love you mom, lets enjoy this day! *insert Boys To Men "mama" song here.* Happy birthday! ...
Hi guys! guys I cannot tell you how many times Aria is constantly stuffing food in her mouth with her hands. Aria loves spaghetti, mac & cheese, mashed potatoes and anything else you can think of that makes a huge mess. Although she loves stuffing food into her mouth with her tiny little hands she loves attempting to use her utensils even more. So when I heard about a brand by the name of Grabease you know I had to check this out Grabease is one a of a kind feeding utensil(s) created ...
Happy 2nd Birthday Aria.
Hi guys! I cant believe that I'm typing this I'm a wreck.. a emotional, messy, hot mess of a wreck. My little baby is 2 years old today. I cant believe it has already been two years since she was born. Time just moves so fast. One day I was zipping her up in a onesie that she was to big for. The next day I am breaking the zipper trying to fit her in the damn oneise she was to big for! ugh! I'm so happy and proud of how amazing and smart she is. She is really growing into a beautiful butterfly ...