Hi guys! Picture this, it's midnight your baby is crying, you’re extremely tired. But now it's time to pull yourself out of your slumber and tend to the baby. You get up and you attempt to rock your baby back to sleep, she’s not having and continues to cry. Maybe baby is hungry? So you try feeding your baby some milk. Your baby refuses milk, now that tiny little scream is becoming a loud roar. Your baby isn't hungry or tired so obviously at this point baby needs a diaper. You take off the wet ...
Curly Q hair for Curls.
Hi guys! guess what? Curls, curls, and more curls! I am the proud mama of two curly headed toddlers. My girls got curls for the girls. Yes, honey, I'm talking curls for days! They can hand some out to everybody and still have a head full. I love their curly hair, but it's a struggling, tangled hot mess sometimes. So if I can find different ways and different products to make it easier then I am so in. Shopping through the aisles of Target or Walmart there are so many hair care products for ...
6 spring looks for kids (collab featuring. That Dope Mom blog).
Hi guys! happy spring! spring is here and the weather is getting warmer! with warmer weather comes warmer clothing. With that said I am super excited today to bring you all 6 favorite looks for your little's for the spring season! I am even more excited that I have collaborated with one of my favorite mommy bloggers to do so. My girl Sharnique of The Dope Mom blog (you can check her blog out here). The two of us have each chosen 3 of our favorite looks from Old Navy that we love. We hope you ...
5 easy ways to get your child up for school.
Hi guys! I don't know about you but I dread waking Ivy up for school in the mornings. Now Ivy has a bed time, so she goes to sleep at the same time each night. She gets more than a full 8 hours and she sleeps through the night. But Ivy, well Ivy just isn't a morning person. So when it's time for me to wake her up for school it's the worst. She screams, cries, rolls on the floor, fake sleeps, whines and all that good stuff. Once she even tried to trade me one of her barbies dolls in exchange to ...
Hey dear, Spring.
Hi guys! I am a lover of all things fall, I love the boots, love the scarfs, love weather, love it all. Then winter comes along and messes everything up I usually love winter too but for some reason not so much this year. I am basically pretty much kinda sort of hmm.. over the winter. I am so ready for the spring. Hey dear, Spring where are you at? what are you waiting for? when are you coming? Hey dear, Floral print I love all your beautiful colors and patterns. Hey dear, ...
Why I love being a girl mom.
Hi guys! So in this post I am going to share 5 reasons about why I love being a girl mama. Now before you start reading this post, let me just say this I'm not bashing any mamas out there for having a boy and girl or having two boys or whatever. I'm just proud of what I have and wanna scream it at the top of my lungs how much I love being a girl mama. There are so many wonderful reasons but we'd be here all day. So I am just going to share my most favorites. 1. Mommy & me outfits: They ...