Hey guys! Now I know what you’re thinking “um Porsha it’s freaking July!” But before we know it the leaves will start to turn and the air will get a little crisper, it's time to start thinking about one of the most fun and festive times of the year: Halloween! One way to get into the spirit is with a cozy set of Halloween pajamas for your littles. Whether you have a tiny newborn or a growing tween, there are plenty of adorable and spooky options to choose from. Here's a round-up of some of the ...
mom on a budget
Mom on a budget: Toddler Holiday Sensory Bin Fun.
Hi guys! It’s been a while since Ive blogged anything for mom on a budget! But today I'm back because 'Tis the season for festive fun, and what better way to engage your little ones than with a budget-friendly holiday sensory bin! Recently, I embarked on a delightful DIY project using affordable items from various stores, proving that holiday joy doesn't have to break the bank. Budget, Friendly Products. I started with a charming bin I snagged from the Target Dollar Spot – an absolute ...
Mom on a budget: How To Look Good Everyday With Sonnet James.
(I received this product for review, but all opinions are my own.) (This is a sponsored post from Sonnet James.) Hi friends! 5 years ago when I became a mom everything changed. My lifestyle, my crazy eating habits, my body. I was an entirely new person. It took me a while to adjust to the new me but here we are years later and I finally love the woman and mom I've become. From my better eating habits to my mom bod. I feel good and I look even better especially when I'm rocking Sonnet ...
Rockin w/ Rokit’s 3D iO Pro Smartphone.
"This post is sponsored by; ROKiT however, all thoughts and opinions are my own.” Hi Friends! So, guess what happened? There I was flying through the clouds at 6:00 am. I mean on an airplane of course. Staring out the window so excited for the day, so excited for what lay ahead of me. A little under an hour later there I was in Los Angeles where I caught a ride to the Grove, headed right into Laduree and was officially introduced to the world's first ROKiT phones. The ROKiT? ...
Mom on a budget: How to prep your home for guests this summer with Angel Soft® with Fresh Lavender-Scented Tube.
Thank you Angel Soft® for sponsoring this post. Ditch the spray and switch to Angel Soft® with Fresh Lavender-Scented Tube. Hi friends! If you're like my family, then summer is a time for having people over. People you haven't seen in a while who are visiting for the season. Whether it is family members, friends, or a neighbor, we like to be prepared. Being prepared for us means a few things, like 1) having a clean house, 2) making sure the house smells good, and 3) having something to drink ...
Mom on a budget: 5 fun splash pads in the greater Sacramento area.
Hi friends! Spring break has come and gone and you know what summer is here to take its place. Summertime is a ton of fun. The kids are out of school which means you no longer have to share them with teachers, homework, class projects, etc. they are all yours because you know time is a thief and what parent wants to share their little ones? So while you have them all summer you gotta make it fun right? But the fun doesn't mean you have to break the bank. One of the funniest things I like to do ...