Hi guys! Happy new year! 2024 is out and 2025 is in! I can’t help but reflect on how transformative 2024 had been for me and my family. It’s was a year of growth, adventure, and so many wild memorable moments. Some I love and others I'd like to forget. Though the year was one for the books. We explored new places, like Texas and Las Vegas as a family, made lasting memories at events like the Inside Out 2 premiere. My daughters continue to amaze me—Riley is thriving in her toddler adventures, ...
life w Porsha
6 Years Of Blogging: 6 things I’ve learned in 6 years.
Hi guys! Today is a big day! Well November 22nd we’re a few days off that’s okay. But my not so little blog is officially six years old! As I reflect on the past six years of my blogging journey, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the incredible experiences, lessons, and connections that have unfolded. It has been a remarkable ride, filled with self-discovery, challenges, and, above all, a passion for sharing my thoughts and ideas with the world. In celebration of this milestone, I want to ...
Send my love to heaven. (Rest In Peace GG)
Hello, how are you all? I know it's been such a while since I made a post here about 2 months if I'm not mistaken. But life happened. Life happened and it happened hard. Starting a new year you always go into it with such enthusiasm, such hope, such wonder. So many new goals to achieve, places to travel, things to see, people to meet. You anticipate all these things but you almost never anticipate loosing a loved one. On February 3 God called my grandmother in law (GG-Ma) home. It was strange. ...
Happy 40 weeks Riley + newborn randomness.
Hi friends + Family Today is the day. Today is Riley’s due date. Or it was supposed to be. Happy due date my sweet little baby girl. Riley is two weeks old now and boy has it been the best two weeks. Having a baby in our home after almost six years has really changed our family dynamic. Learning to adjust as a family has taught us so many new things so far. Even myself being a 3rd time mom I’ve learned all these new things. Check out below as I reflect on this special day and a few random ...
The happiest year of my life.
Happy 2022 friends + family! We made it! Hello 2022 we are here, we have arrived and we are ready. I am so excited to be here and I feel incredibly thankful to be writing this blog too. Another year we have together to make the best memories we can and just live life. 2021 I can honestly say was the happiest year of my life. Its funny because durning the year living through all the moments that made it so special I didn't even realize it was the happiest year of my life. It wasn't until the ...
FindAMortgageBroker.com: Buying your dream home.
I was asked by Carusele to participate in the #UWMNMLS3028 campaign, sponsored by FindAMortgageBroker.com Although I have been compensated, all opinions are my own. Hi friends! It's a very exciting time in my family's life right now for so many reasons. But one of the biggest reasons you might ask? We are hoping to finally be homeowners. Over the last few years, I have shared with you guys our journey of someday finding our dream home and we are closer than ever, but there are so many factors ...