Hi guys! Today is a very special day! today my blog is 1 year old and this is my 300th blog post! One year ago today I sat down on an old beat up laptop and created Porsha Carr blog. I had no idea where this would go, I had no idea what it would do, I had no clue what I was doing. I was lost but I was determined to create my blog and I did and today my little baby is one. Since I started my blog I have been lucky enough to write for companies like Mcdonals, Degree Disney, Walgreens and ...
Fixing a toddlers bad day with 5 easy tips.
Hi guys! We all have bad days right? maybe a flat tire, work blues or a rude stranger. No matter what a bad day looks like to you, one thing is for sure it isn't fun. So take your bad day and times it by 100 that is what a bad day looks like to a dramatic toddler. As parents we all know that nap time, not buying a toy in Target, or turning of their favorite cartoon isn't really a bad day. But to our toddlers it is. That is why today I am going to give you 5 easy tips for fixing a toddlers bad ...
Photo Series: 5 tips for taking family photos.
Pregnancy announcement photo shoot 2015. Hi guys! Oh yes, professional family photos. How often do you take them with your family? Once a year? once a month? Special occasion? I know for The Carr family we tend to take them maybe twice a year. We usually take them at the beginning of the year and the end of the year. It's amazing to see how much my husband and I have changed and how much our girls have grown. People often ask me how do we make family photos work so well for us? So as we ...
10 things I learned my first year of marriage.
Hi guys! It's crazy how time flies right? Tomorrow we celebrate our 1 year of marriage, I am so excited. I have recently been thinking about this so much in lieu of planning mine and my Dayjhan's first wedding anniversary trip. I can't believe its nearly been a whole year since we got married. I don't like to speak about marriage so much because its one of the things I like to keep private. But I do want to start slowly start sharing bits and pieces of it with you all. So with that said I ...
How I started my blog (7 easy steps).
Hi guys! Ever since I started my blog in November 2017 I have got a ton of messages asking me "how did you start your blog?" Starting a blog isn't the easiest thing to do but totally rewarding. My little online home where I keep my thoughts and photos. My blog is very special to me. I hope once you guys read this blog post it will help you be able to start your own blog too. In the few short months, I've had my blog it has been really taking off. I feel really lucky and really very proud of my ...
4 tips for keeping your cool during a toddler tantrum (featuring Degree deodorant).
"This post is sponsored by Degree Women but the content and opinions expressed here are my own." Hi guys! We've all been there, we're out in public just doing some shopping when all of a sudden our toddler decides to get wild. I am not talking about something small like wining or a little bit of pouting, oh no. I am talking full on screaming, yelling, kicking.. well you get the point. A full on toddler temper tantrum. During moments like these its easy to lose your cool, but fortunately, ...