Hi guys! This pass weekends was so fun. I had my 3rd race of the year with one of my best friends Melissa. As you guys know I am a runner and it's a goal of mine to complete one race each month for the year, this one was for March. We didn't have any PR's going into this race. Our only goal? to have some fun. The idea of this race was great it incorporate two of my all time favorite things. Running and of course doughnuts. Anybody who knows me knows I am oddly obsessed with ...
Hi guys! red back ground, brown writing with a black outline, two little dots over the "A". Can you guess what I am talking about? well if you guessed Larabar you are correct. In today's post I am going to talk about exactly what a Larabar is, what is does, and why I think it's pretty damn cool. So sit back, kick your feet up, relax, grab yourself a Larabar or two and go ahead and read this post you know you want too. Founded by a creative individually by the name of Lara, Larabar was ...
Bumkins snack bags.
Hi guys! Is it just me or do you guys give your little's snacks through out the day too? Of course it's not just me, of course you do. We're parents that's what we do. If your toddlers are hungry, hungry hippos like mine then they are snacking all through out the day. Hey nothing wrong with that but I wish there was something.. hmm.. something that was small, yet cute and colorful. You know maybe likE a little baggy with a zipper on it created by the fabulous Bumkins.. OH WAIT THERE ...
Bumkins Melamine Plate.
Hi guys! Being the mom of two toddlers ages 2 and 3 keeps me on my toes. I'ma always trying to discover brand new activities, playgrounds, clothing stores and even things to make meal time easier. Which means new feeding utensils, cups, bowls, plates the whole nine.So being the trusty self proclaimed super mom that I am I was very pleased with myself with a discovered a adorable shop that goes by the name of Bumkins. Bumkins is a amazing retailer that has been ...