Hi Friends! Happy Friday. Today is the day of the very last day of this year's DIY costume series. Before it comes to a close with our last costume I just wanna thank all my friends and all their wonderful kiddos for helping me with this series. I couldn't have done it without you guys and I just wanna say thank you so much. Thank you for your hard work, time and effort. I know it's not easy making costumes and then having your little ones model in them. But let me tell you, you all killed it. ...
DIY Taco Costume.
Hi friends! Happy friday we are almost to the end of our DIY costume series! This was so much fun I am sad to see it go. But hold on just a second it's not over yet. We still have two weeks left and two costumes. In today's blog post I bring you a super simple, super quick and may I add super yummy DIY taco costume. The other day on Instagram I was scrolling through and I stumbled upon a mama's page who happened to have her own DIY costumes. She had made her little ones into adorable tacos ...
DIY Present Costume.
Happy Fall Y’all! It’s Spooky Season and this family is super excited about it! I’m Sharnique from ThatDopeMomBlog. When your birthday and Halloween fall in the same month what better costume than a present? This little cutie will be turning 5 on the 5th of October so I thought it would be fun to create a DIY costume in celebration. This costume was not only fun to make, unique, and downright adorable but affordable! While this time of year is my favorite it can also be really stressful ...
DIY Last Minute Washing Machine Costume.
Hey, guys, it’s Maria, Porsha’s long-time BFF. I am here today with a super easy, OMG I forgot the Halloween party today costume. So I hope I’m not the only one who forgets kids parties last minute. But what’s a mom to do when you need a costume with no time to go to the store? You improvise! I looked around the house and utilized what I had. A box, some caps, wrapping paper, tape, glue, and scissors. I immediately thought of a washing machine! Super easy cut out a hole for ...
DIY Lego Brick Costume.
Hi, guys, I’m Melissa of MelissaBelleciblog.com Matthew and I are here to show you how easy it is to make a lego brick costume! All you need is a piece of cardboard, ribbon, the color spray paint you want, and four empty fruit or applesauce cups. This costume took me about 20 minutes to make, I spray painted the cardboard, the cups, and the string so they would all be the same color. Then, I hot glued the cups and the ribbon to the board. You can use tape, staples, or regular Elmer’s glue, ...
DIY Target Employee Costume.
Hello friends! My name is Alisa Smith from Youtube's Smith & Smithette TV, and I am so happy to share our DIY costume with you today! If you are a millennial mom like me, I’m guessing your favorite store is TARGET! When you think about it, what is cuter than a mini Target employee? NOTHING! When given the opportunity to be featured on Porsha’s blog, I was so excited and ready. So, when I was thinking of a costume, I wanted it to be super easy and affordable. And then it just came to me: ...