Hi guys! It’s been a while since Ive blogged anything for mom on a budget! But today I'm back because 'Tis the season for festive fun, and what better way to engage your little ones than with a budget-friendly holiday sensory bin! Recently, I embarked on a delightful DIY project using affordable items from various stores, proving that holiday joy doesn't have to break the bank. Budget, Friendly Products. I started with a charming bin I snagged from the Target Dollar Spot – an absolute ...
How to Create Halloween Sensory Buckets for Toddlers.
Hi guys! Halloween is coming and you know what that means? All things fun and spooky! Today we explore sensory play. Sensory play is a fantastic way for toddlers to explore their world, engage their senses, and enhance their development. With Halloween just around the corner, why not add a spooky twist to this fun and educational activity? In this blog post, I’ll guide you through the process of creating Halloween sensory buckets that will delight and engage your little ones. Supplies, ...
Fire safety: how to educate our little ones.
This post is sponsored by NFPA, however, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. Hi friends! One word Fire! What if there is a fire? As an adult you know what to do, you know where to go, you know exactly how to handle things in case of a fire emergency. But what about your little ones? Do they know where to go? Do they know what to do? How will they handle things? All scary thoughts right? Well, today I have teamed up with National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) in partnership we ...
5 Reasons Why Kids Should Play Sports.
Hi friends! As most of you guys know Ivy played her first season of soccer last fall. It was a crazy experience for us as a family because Ivy nor Aria had ever been involved in any type of outdoor sport. Ever since Ivy was a baby she had only did ballet somewhere in between ballet she had a very short stint in gymnastics. But other than that ballet was her only activity. During the month's Ivy played soccer I loved watching all the changes in her. This once shy little girl was now this stand ...
How My Toddlers Are Learning Math With Elephant Learning Academy.
“This post is sponsored by; Elephant Learning Academy however, all thoughts and opinions are my own. This post may contain affiliate links. That means that if you decided to make a purchase after clicking on a link I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.” "Do you understand?" "Do you understand how I got this number?". My teacher stood over me as I stared at my paper lost, so very lost and confused. I blinked hard and tried to concentrate on the problem but there was no use. I ...
Mom Hack: How I’m teaching my toddlers to write their name.
Hi friends! As you know I am a mom of two wonderful toddlers Ivy is 5 and Aria is 3. While being a mom of toddlers is fun and rewarding it can also be very challenging as well. Especially when it comes to learning. While both of my kids love asking questions and learning new things it can be hard for them to get the hang of it the first try. Therefore making them discouraged and not want to learn new things sometimes. That's where the challenge then comes in for me. "How can I get them ...