Hi guys! Last weekend we threw the girls their (very first of many) joint birthday party! Aria's actual birthday was (January 7) and Ivy's actual birthday is (March 31). But to save money, time and the hassle of having two parties we decide to throw one big one. We are going to continue to do it this way until the girls are old enough to say "hey I want my own party please." I will admit I was a bit scared because I did not know how we would pull it off one party Ā for two toddlers at the same ...
Pej is 2.
Hi guys! today is the day of my youngest niece's birthday. It seems like she was just born. I was right outside the room when she was born, it was a beautiful rainy Sunday and I remember it like it was yesterday. I love you very much sweet girl. You are a amazing addition to our family and I am proud to be you aunt. Happy 2nd birthday. & a very happy birthday to my sweet little sister Leah! She turns 12 today, I'm slacking because I don't have any updated photos of her. But I ...