9. Wow. My girl. My sweet not so little anymore first born. My first love. The one who made me a mom. The girl who instantly made the world a better place the day she was born. The one and only Ivy Rose. Ivy you are a spit fire! Everyday you continue to amaze me. You are always willing to learn new things and share them with those around you. You are so gentle and kind. But so ferocious and wild. You have a golden heart, the most beautiful smile, the silliest soul and now a big 9 year ...
My mom’s 62nd surprise party!
My mom is 26 and fine! Okay 62 but would you ever even know if it weren’t for the balloons? Haha no way right? My moms birthday was two weeks ago and with a lot of wishing, and hoping, and praying we pulled off a surprise party for her! A few months prior to my mom‘s birthday. I hit up my sisters and told them that I think we should throw mom a Disco themed surprise. Initially it was supposed to just be a surprise dinner however a dinner, a party whatever you wanna call it it was a blast! The ...
Aria’s 7th birthday paw-ty! (video).
Aria is officially 7! Our girl turned 7 last week and boy oh boy was it a day to remember! (Check out her birthday photos here). Hello I’m 7! Her day started off by me running downstairs and wishing her happy birthday. Along side Ivy and her half sleepy baby sister that is. Of course she stayed up pass midnight birthday behavior duh. Anywho once the sun came up Dayjhan and I decorated the dining area in true Carr fashion with birthday decor to match her theme. Doggy’s! Yup my animal loving ...
This is 7. (happy birthday Aria!)
7! Today my middle baby is 7 years young. Aria, my sweet sensitive girl who’s also not afraid to give you attitude. Aria, the future veterinarian by day & pediatrician by night. She has it all figured out. Aria, best cuddle giver you’ve ever met. If you’ve cuddle with her then lucky you. Aria, little girl who will only eat a bowl of cereal with no milk but still has to have her spoon. Aria, a girl who is always willing to learn new things & is currently teaching herself to ...
Happy birthday Riley + Dayjhan!
It’s been said that The odds of sharing a birthday with your parent is 1 in 365. On December 29 not one but TWO very special people in my life were born. My husband and our baby girl Riley. Dayjhan, Happy 31st birthday to you my best friend, my headache, the love of my life all wrapped into one. I am so thankful to have you in my life. You are a gentle giant, an amazing protector and one heck of a yo-yo’er. Which isn’t even a word but you’re great with the yo-yo. I love you so much. Happy ...
Riley’s 1st birthday party.
The room is filled with love. Tiny giggles and even tinier feet sound of in the near distances. There are balloons hanging from the prettiest white bouncy castle you ever seen. There is two cakes in the corner connected in the center by a rainbow. There are handmade stickers with the most adorable face on them. This is the first birthday party of Riley Reign. Planning Riley’s 1st birthday party. I can’t remember exactly when or how. But I can tell you as soon as I came across a pastel ...