My sweet Aria Skye today you are 8 years old! It’s hard to believe you're 8 considering the fact that I’m pretty sure you were just born like.. oh I don’t know.. yesterday! It’s all happening so quick. I love this little person that you’re becoming. People often say that as a middle child you tend to not be at the forefront of things and you couldn’t be the complete opposite. You are the star of everything you do, a little boss! You always make sure that you are seen and heard. You have the ...
Dear Dayjhan & Riley, happy birthday.
December 29: A few things happened. One, my soulmate was born; two, the tiniest love of my life was also born; and three, life would never be the same. Today, we celebrate my husband and my baby girl on their birthday. Dear Dayjhan, I already told you today I don’t wanna get sappy. I could write a 100-paragraph blog on what you mean to me. But I will keep it sweet and simple. I love you. I love you for being you, love you for being my person. Love you for the way you protect me and our ...
Riley’s 2 Fast (2nd birthday party).
Hey guys! Tis the season not only for Christmas but lots of birthdays, including Riley's. Our sweet girl is turning two soon, so, as per usual, we celebrated her birthday early and had a party for her this past weekend with our closest friends and family. Come check it out! Riley is 2 fast! The theme? 2 fast, of course, because while she's still a little baby, it's going by way 2 fast, so I figured this would be the perfect theme. Party Time! Riley had her ...
Hello, 34.
Hi guys! Today is my birthday and I am 34 years old. Every year when I log on to write my birthday blog I never know exactly what to say or how I wanna say it. I just know that I am thankful. I am thankful to see another year of life and I am happy. Happy for a new chapter to love, to breath, to travel, to try new foods, meet new people. To simply be. In my opinion you only live once so I want to make sure I enjoy every moment no matter how big or how small. My goal this year is to try ...
Now you’re 9 years young.
Hi friends + fam! 3 weeks! 3 weeks, that’s how long it’s been since Ivy turned 9! Can you believe it? I know I can’t neither. Since Ivy turned 9 I swear she’s growing every day. I look at her and it almost makes me sad how quickly it went by. It’s also a great reminder to cherish the now because they literally do grow so fast. But back to Ivy’s birthday. Her birthday was on a school day so it was pretty chill. But it was also on a Friday so it was time for some fun! She wanted a music themed ...
Happy 9th birthday Ivy.
9. Wow. My girl. My sweet not so little anymore first born. My first love. The one who made me a mom. The girl who instantly made the world a better place the day she was born. The one and only Ivy Rose. Ivy you are a spit fire! Everyday you continue to amaze me. You are always willing to learn new things and share them with those around you. You are so gentle and kind. But so ferocious and wild. You have a golden heart, the most beautiful smile, the silliest soul and now a big 9 year ...