Dear Ivy Rose,
Today you are 10 years young. I vividly remember every second of the day you were born. From the time my water broke to the moment you were delivered. I have so many precious memories of you growing up in our first apartment and becoming a big sister in our second apartment, then becoming an even bigger big sister in our first home. You have always made being a mom a beautiful experience for me. Not only were you my first baby girl, but also my first real true love and forever best friend. We have grown up together in more ways than one, and while I swear I wouldnāt cry writing this, I was doing pretty good up until now. Get it together, Porsha! Dang! Anyways, as I suck back in these tears so I can wrap up this little love note to you, I’d just like to say thank you. Thank you for being born, thank you for being an amazing daughter and sister. Thank you for loving me and the world around you. Thank you for always being kind-hearted and so undeniably special. Thank you for being Ivy! You are the most phenomenal 10-year-old on the entire planet. I love you more every second. Enjoy your 10th birthday, my girl.
Love forever and ever Mommy