My sweet Aria Skye today you are 8 years old!
It’s hard to believe you’re 8 considering the fact that I’m pretty sure you were just born like.. oh I don’t know.. yesterday! It’s all happening so quick. I love this little person that you’re becoming. People often say that as a middle child you tend to not be at the forefront of things and you couldn’t be the complete opposite. You are the star of everything you do, a little boss! You always make sure that you are seen and heard. You have the biggest personality and the biggest heart. You are extremely outgoing and even as our middle child you take care of both of your sisters and even me and daddy. You’re only 8 and you’re already a straight A student, a level 3 gymnasts and the world’s best Harry Potter fan! There’s no other kid like you and we love you so much.
happy birthday middlee!
love, mommy.