Hi friends!
It’s been a long, long, long time since my last rendition on Ivy say’s. So as you can imagine I have a pretty fun blog post for you today (check out the other renditions of Ivy says here.) So here is the latest version of Ivy says.
UPDATE: I wrote this blog maybe three years ago and never got around to posting it. Ivy is nine now, so the stuff that she says is left outrageous but nevertheless, enjoy this post.
“Dad’s need their rest to be strong and healthy,”
When I told her that daddy needed to get some rest.
“This Halloween stuff is making me all Halloween-y.”
She said this while walking down the aisles of Marshalls. She got pretty good laughs from strangers nearby.
“I’m starting to think dishes are my thing.”
While washing dishes.
“Do daddy have kids?”
I replied “um yeah you and Aria.” ha!
“Nani pee’s on herself so she needs diapers.”
While talking about potty training.
“I love bae-cations because we get to have a new bed!”
While jumping on the bed in the hotel during a vacation we took to LA.
“It smells burned up in here! That’s mommy’s fault.”
When I was doing my hair with the straightener. I still laugh at this one.
“I lost a tooth and you were crying and if you cry again I’m gonna say are you done?”
While talking about her losing a tooth.
“I love swimming mommy! It’s the best thing you ever dreamed for.”
On our way to swimming lessons.
“Look cotton candy clouds.”
While looking at the sun go down.
“Please, I’ll do your chores for a month. I’ll fluff your pillow.”
I wanna say she pleading her case for a Target trip.”
“Are you kidding me? I sleeped on no pillow.”
When she woke up to discovered she had no pillow.
“You’ll see the look on your face when you see me working at Target when I’m big!”
When talking about working and growing up.
“Your breath smells like pizza paste.”
Talking to her dad.
“Wow, you made the toilet seat hot.”
After her dad used the potty.
“They put rocks in your watch..how?”
After listening to Cardi B I Like It Kidz Bop Version.
There you have it friends Ivy says until next time 🙂