Hi guys! I can’t believe it’s almost been a month since our trip to Socal and I am just now getting around to blogging about our trip. After we got home from our trip we took a few days to relax, hang out with friends and get ready to head back to school. But now that the girls are back at school I finally have time to sit down and share our trip with you guys. We had the best trip ever so I hope you enjoy reading all about it!
Hello Socal, the Carr’s are here!
Sunday morning we packed the car and headed to the airport where we would put the car in overpriced parking and catch our flight. We had a early morning flight and was in Socal by 10:15. When we arrived to the airport we grabbed our swagger wagon rental after so much unnecessary drama with the car rental place and we were off! It took us all of 30 seconds to get to our hotel across the street. Then about another 30 minutes before we were off again. In the mist off grabbing all our bags out our car in Sac we forgot Aria’s booster seat. So off to Target we went to grab a new one, and also some cute swimsuits. Though we didn’t even swim once on the trip. After debating on where to eat we choose a place called Bob’s Big Boy. The service was cool and the food was A freaking one! When we were done eating we drove down the street to a small park and soon after had the best ice cream ever over at Sliders. We didn’t want to go back to the hotel so we headed into Hollywood to play tourist. Beside doing some window shopping it wasn’t to exciting until we came across a guy with snakes! $5 to hold em if you dare. Ivy dared! Our brave girl held that snake like it was a toy and she was fearless. Such a cool core memory! On our way back to the car we spotted a fun Upside Down House. It was kind of pricy but worth the money! 7 rooms full of all things upside down, it was so trippy! The kids had so much fun. By this time we had to get back to the car before our meter expired and we decided to call it a day. We grabbed a pizza from a hole in the wall shop and back to the hotel we went.
Universal, Hollywood & friends.
The next day was a first time experience for us as a family, Universal Studios! Dayjhan and I had been pre kid life, though it had been years. He was excited to check out Super Nintendo World. I was excited to take all the photos, ha! Our day at Universal flew by. The kids rode rides with Dayjhan, we visited Harry Potter land, we ate in the Simpsons land, visited the over crowed Super Nintendo World but it was getting way to cold for the kids. We ended the day with candy from the candy store in Universal walk and dinner at Margaritaville. Tuesday rolled around and we hit up The Breakfast Club to have brunch with my favorite cousin Shawn. Unfortunately Ivy was feeling not so great. Even weeks later I’m not sure if it was maybe something she ate, but she wasn’t very happy durning breakfast. Right after breakfast we had to check out of our hotel and head to the beach for her birthday photos. Needless to say I was very nervous about the outcome. But what did I say about her earlier? She is fearless and despite the stomach ache she not only pulled through for our family photos (see here) and her birthday photos. But she also had 3 outfit changes. My girl killed it and the photos came out beautifully. We checked into our favorite hotel HoJo Anaheim and you guess it, off again. This time too meet my friend Gabi and her kiddos at Downtown Disney for dinner at Black Tap. The food and ice cream were delicious and we had a good time catching up and shopping with them. We said our goodbyes and we had to get some rest because hello Disney the next day!
Yay! it’s Disney day!
Disneyland on Wednesday and DCA on Thursday what more could a girl ask for? Both parks were magical per usual! We even visited Goofy’s Kitchen where we saw our old pal Goofy and Riley had her first buffet experience. Oh and Chip.. or Dale not sure which.. scared Aria when he creept upon her when she was not paying attention. The first day at Disneyland we ate our weight in junk foods and Ivy and I even had some mommy and me time when Dayjhan, Ari and Ry decided to head back to the hotel for naps. Ivy and I got to watch the Magic Happens parade which was nothing short of magical. I wish the rest of the crew got to see it, because wow. The dancing, the singing the costumes, even Mickey himself ran up to us to say hello. Ah and can’t forget about Toon Town. Feels like we waited forever to visit there and it was so cute. The new railroad ride was worth the hype and their new foods so good. While our second day at DCA the big girls and I got a head start when we came about 15 minutes after opening and rode 5/6 rides. Some I never even rode before like Soarin and some none of us even rode before like Goofy’s Sky School Coaster. What a time!
Leaving Socal in style.
On our last day of the trip we headed to breakfast at a spot called R&R which may friend Karen suggested. HOLY HECK IT WAS BOMB! Best pancakes I ever tasted in my life! Plus the service was beautiful. Def check them out if you’re in Socal. After we went to Karen’s cozy house to hang out, but before we got to cozy her husband Marcos took us on a mini tour of the city and we even looked at some model homes. Mmm hmm, hey you never know we may make Socal home one day. Shhh. Karen and Marcos were so kind to our family. They BBQ’d for us, Karen baked cookies and made homemade lemonade, and all of our kiddos played so well together. We didn’t want to leave and the kids even cried when we had to say goodbye. But hopefully will see them again very soon.
Home sweet home. Before we knew it we were back home unpacking our bags and memories. This trip was so unlike all of our other Socal trips. It was filled with double the laughs, friends and food. I can’t wait to be back there.
(Be sure to check out the girls Youtube video of the entire trip here.)