THE BIG ONE! Our girl is one years old I cannot believe it. The fastest year of my life + I have two other kids, so this was wild. Let’s get into our last baby update!
Riley’s monthly update.
Riley is: Officially 1 year old oh my heart!
Riley weighs: 19lbs! Just had her 1 year check up.
Riley is eating: Mostly everything she can. She’s not opposed to trying new foods. On top of that she loves her Once Upon A Farm pouches & her Baby Mum Mum crackers. Oh & so random, but she absolutely loves water in rice cakes!
Riley sleeps: She actually does pretty well at night. She will wake up at least twice. Now napping that’s a different story. She used to nap three or four times a day & now I’m lucky if she will nap twice.
Riley likes: Miss Rachel. Here come all the perfect mom, so don’t let their toddlers watch TV. To each their own, but she definitely loves watching. Miss Rachel.
Riley dislikes: Us trying to help her walk. We can get her to stand for a little while, but if we attempt to try to help her walk, she throws a fit. She definitely is not walking right now & she wants to learn her own pace which is fine.
Riley is learning: How to get on & off furniture. It’s been really interesting to watch. She will slide down until her feet is touching some thing & then she will get herself down. I love watching her learn. Even sometimes when she falls, & it’s very nerve wrecking.
Riley monthly accomplishment: She started drinking milk! We have her drinking almond milk because we are working out some things with her & whole milk right now. She will only take a few steps, but we’re working on it.
Riley random fact: It’s going to be hard to wean her off the boob. She is definitely attached and she’s literally on it right now. Ha.
Well, that’s it guys. Our sweet girl is one & I won’t be posting any more of these updates. Of course, I’ll still be posting her here & on my social accounts but for now no more monthly updates. Definitely gonna miss these but it’s time to move on & I’m so excited for toddlerhood! so be sure to be on the lookout for some toddler blogs that will be fun & those will be coming soon!