The room is filled with love. Tiny giggles and even tinier feet sound of in the near distances. There are balloons hanging from the prettiest white bouncy castle you ever seen. There is two cakes in the corner connected in the center by a rainbow. There are handmade stickers with the most adorable face on them. This is the first birthday party of Riley Reign.
Planning Riley’s 1st birthday party.
I can’t remember exactly when or how. But I can tell you as soon as I came across a pastel rainbow cake online instantly I knew that would be Riley’s theme. I spent months on her party days and nights planning. I’m huge on first birthday parties. I remember staying up till 2 am adding tiny stickers to Hershey kisses for Ivy party. Plus can’t forget spending hours creating a banner especially for Aria’s first birthday. Riley is our last baby so I knew I wanted to go even bigger for this.
Party details.
I decided to book her party at Little Kingdom. Because Ivy, Aria and I had been there a handful of time for play dates and other parties. It was the perfect spot. It’s a family owned playroom and they specialize in all sorts of custom themes. Decor and goody bags provided. The owner is a light! She is truly the best person ever. We just love her! (check em out here)
For the food I decided to go simpler especially dealing with lots of kids. Pizza! Can’t go wrong with pizza. Pizza, water and juice boxes of course. (Check em out here)
The dessert table + cake was made by none other than Megan Dao of Megan’s Bake Shop. It’s no secret that Meg has been doing cakes, cookies and desserts for me for the longest time now. She is absolutely amazing. I gave her my vision and she ran with it and nailed it! (Check em out here)
The bouncy castle was provided by Jem Castles. A wonderful local shop that not only has bounce castles but soft play items? Balloons and more. (check em out here)
Riley’s costume stickers came from one of my best friends ever! Karen Martinez of Mammabearsays. She created the stickers just for Riley. They were the cutest! (check em out here)
Last Riley’s birthday outfit was from a sweet little Etsy shop by the name of LilyandMaxCo. From the headband all the way down to the knee highs. It was the cutest first birthday outfit!(check em out here)
The main event.
Because Riley was sick a week prior to her party we had to reschedule. This brought us from a Saturday afternoon party to Friday evening party instead. Luckily for Riley and I 98% of our guest weee still able to make it. Even fighting work traffic all the way to Folsom didn’t stop the party.
Riley’s baby guest poured in and she was so happy to see everyone. Riley isn’t always the type of baby to be held by everyone. But on her party she must of felt super loved because she went to everyone in the room. We had about 13 kids and they ran through Little Kingdom play room and back to the party room. They jumped in the bouncer and crawled through the ball pit. We ate pizza, sang happy birthday and ate cake! There were cookies and cake pops that went quick! Rice Krispie treats candy in the goody bags! We opened lots of gifts, took lots of photos, has lots of fun and loved hard on the birthday baby.
Our sweet Riley is turning 1.
Though her actual birthday is a few days away and this was weeks ago I’m still reeling with excitement. I can’t wait to show her the photos + videos from her party one day. I hope she always feels the love she had on her special day every birthday and everyday.
Riley Reign, we love you so much baby girl. Happy (almost) 1st birthday.