Hi guys. My baby is 10 months old tomorrow. I am not okay. enjoy this update goodbye.
Riley’s monthly update.
Riley is: 10 months old (tomorrow 10/29)
Riley weighs: 18 lbs of perfection. I put her on my scale.
Riley is eating: New foods like cantelopue, and okra which she hates and corn which she loves.
Riley sleeps: Horrible. She is up every other hour or hour to comfort nurse. The teething is so bad.
Riley likes: Her jumper! She has this bouncy jumper in our master bedroom doorway and she loves to bounce in it. She also loves to play in the room with her big sisters.
Riley dislikes: Clothes! I was literally just telling my friend the other day its sweather weather. But Riley hates being changed she screams every time.
Riley is learning: How to high five! Its the cutest thing ever. When you tell her top high five she will put her hand up and let you smack it.
Riley monthly accomplishment: She is officially clapping. Our sweet girl just learned to clap and she thinks it’s so silly.
Riley random fact: She finally learned the word NO. Now when we tell her no she will stop what she is doing but sometimes she won’t care and she’ll do it anyway.
Well that’s all for now guys. As we prepare and plan her first birthday party soon all of the emotions are so bittersweet. But for now we’re just enjoying our tiny baby.