Hi guys! Today is the 29th which means my sweet baby girl is one month older! Her last month in a single digit and I’m enjoying every second. Even on the days where I’m super drained she’s worth it. Well there’s a ton to report this month so let’s catch up!
Riley’s monthly update.
Riley is: 9 months old.
Riley weighs: We have no idea but we’re thinking maybe 19-20 lbs.
Riley is eating: Fun foods these days! I love lead weaning because whenever I make dinner she eats a different variation of whatever we’re eating. She recently tried butternut squash, beets, zucchini & even tri tip & pumpkin!
Riley sleeps: Pretty good! Except on the days where shes teething nine out of 10 times I can’t complain. But those cat naps are another story.
Riley likes: Cords! Ugh I hate to even admit it but she loves to grab on iPhone charger cords and attempt to eat them. We always stop her before it gets to her mouth though.
Riley dislikes: Oh my goodness this baby diva! She dislikes getting dressed she doesn’t like getting her diaper changed she hates getting clipped in the car seat and absolutely hates when I put her down.
Riley is learning: all sorts of new things she’s finding her voice so she’s making new noises like hmm and ba ba ba and She’s perfecting her crawl yep I said crawl
Riley monthly accomplishment: Our baby diva is officially crawling everywhere. Though she is doing a one legged crawl she is getting all around the house grabbing things moving things and going room to room. It happens so fast and she’s doing amazing!
Riley random fact: This month she had her very first and disappointment. The dentist said that she has a ton of teeth for her age but they look great and they said to bring her back in six months!
See a ton of stuff going on latley! And I look forward to reporting back next month when my baby will hit double digits ugh I’m already crying!