Hi guys. Happy September! Obviously from my lack of posting here you can tell it’s probably been the most busy month I’ve had since Riley was born. It just seemed like literally every day there was something to do. Well nevertheless I’ve finally got around to my monthly book review for August so here it is. Per usually if you don’t like spoilers please don’t read.
People We Meet On Vacation The Review.
So this book had been on my reading list for a very long time. I loved for the bright orange cover and wanted to read it so bad. Plus one of my best friends read it and said it was great! So I decided to finally order it and go my surprise it wasn’t great at all. The book started off by introducing the two main characters who met in college and began a one of a kind friendship. Eventually the two had some kinda of romantic mishaps which led them to falling out for a few years then reuniting. Once they reunited for a family wedding sparks began to fall and they decided to leave the mishaps in pass and become lovers. The concept of book? Basically the people we meet on vacation teach us bigger lessons in life then we planned. So I loved the concept behind the book I thought it was great. Unfortunately the book just dragged for me. Reading it felt like a chore and I honestly had to force myself to sit down for 2 days straight just to finish it before the month ended. All in all I would give this book 5/10 stars because again I loved the concept but book felt boring in most chapters just dragged. I probably wouldn’t recommend. But I am interested to read other books by this author.