Hi friends + family…
Our girl is 8 months young! I can’t believe it. Everyday I literally watch her change before my eyes. My sweet pea we love her so much! Happy 8 months Riley girl.
Riley’s monthly update.
Riley is: 8 months old.
Riley weighs: Somewhere between 16-18lbs I’m sure.
Riley is eating: A lot of new food! Since her 7 month update she is back to trying yogurt. Baby yogurt this time not Greek. She’s had spaghetti squash, oats, cauliflower, and even peaches!
Riley sleeps: Great! She’s a good sleeper she will seldom wake maybe twice now to feed and falls back to sleep.
Riley likes: Her playpen. She has a ton of toys in it and will literally play in there quietly she loves it.
Riley dislikes: Being put down. Lately she screams if I try to put her down. She also is still hating being strapped in the car seat.
Riley is learning: How to crawl. She scoots a ton now and even pulls herself up on things.
Riley monthly accomplishment: She is steadily understanding signing now. She does milk and sometimes she will try to do up. But we’re learning every day.
Riley random fact: She officially has 6 teeth. It happened over night seriously (and yes she bites sometimes.)
Well guys that’s it for this month. Check back in next month for her 9th month update. In the meantime I’m gonna go snuggle my bunny.