Hey guys! It’s been a year. 1 year since we moved to our home. 1 year since we walked out our tiny apartment and walked through the doors of a home. A home we own.
In this home we have made so many memories.
We have laughed so many times like when Dayjhan has fell on his butt going down the stairs multiple times. We have been happy together like the day Aria graduated kindergarten. We have been sick together like the time I had horrible morning sickness from being pregnant with Riley. We’ve had parties till late hours of the night like our first 4th of July. We’ve had BBQ’s and bon fires like when we celebrated Ivy & GG ma’s joint birthday. Speaking of birthdays we’ve had countless ones here and these walls have heard the happy birthday song maybe a million times. We’ve had play dates and doggy dates, water fights and professional photo shoots. We’ve danced in our Halloween costumes, hosted thanksgiving, and brought our baby girl home on New Year’s Eve. We grew food from dirt we ate, decorated and undecorated if that’s even a thing. Had family surprise us all the way from Germany, and had family surprise us from right down the street.
It’s been a hell of a year.
This is our home. Though it may not be our home forever one thing is certain.
The first 365 days here we’re nothing short of a blessing.