Hi friends + family…
Today is the day. Our sweet Riley girl is 6 months young! Happy 1/2 birthday baby girl! I took Riley to have some studio photos done which came out really cute. Also had her a 1/2 birthday cake made by none other than Megan’s Bake Shop. She did such a sweet job literally the cake was so good! This 1/2 birthday was only practice for her real birthday in another 6 months. But for now I’m enjoying my tiny baby. Ladies and gentlemen 6 month old Riley Reign..
Riley’s monthly update.
Riley is: 6 months old.
Riley weighs: 16lb & 40oz.
Riley is eating: Ahh! We finally started solids just one week shy of her 6th month. She has tried avocados (she’s a fan) & bananas (not a fan).
Riley sleeps: Pretty good. When she is teething she is the worst sleeper ever. But on a typical night she only wakes up 2-3 times if that. Still a horrible cat napper though.
Riley likes: To grab! Anything she can get her hands on her is reaching for it. Nothing is safe! Cell phone, hair, straw right outta your cup she’s grabbing it.
Riley dislikes: Getting her nosed cleaned & night time diaper changes currently.
Riley is learning: To roll better! She has one sided roll down. She hasn’t quit mastered how to roll back once she’s rolled onto one side yet.
Riley monthly accomplishment: I swear there were so many huge milestones for her this month. Starting solids, completing her very first activity (swim lessons), learning to sit up all by her self! It’s been a hell of a month!
Riley random fact: On Father’s Day this little babe said her first words. “Da Da”. Ah the pain. Tiny trader lol.
Well guys that’s it for this month. Be sure to visit us here every month for more of my amazing now 6th month old *cries. Happy 1/2 birthday my sweet girl!