Dear, Pej and Aria you graduated!
At the sweet age of 6 years young you two have graduated kindergarten. This year has been a wild year. Not only in school but in our personal lives as well. I am so proud of you two little ladies for such a big accomplishment.
My girls…
my kind hearted baby girl I love how you always looked over your cousin at school. You’re the youngest but you are such a protector. You want to be a veterinarian when you grow up and there’s no doubt in my mind you will achieve this. You are smart, loving and now mommy’s big first grader. I love you.
you wild child niece of mine I love how you also looked out for Aria too. It was you very first year of school and you did awesome! You want to be a doctor when you grow up and I know you can do it. You are resilient, tough and now aunts big first grader. I love you too.
Congrads to my grads and I pray for many more fun, safe and educational school years to come. We all love you girls so much!
P.S shout out to the best of the best for our wonderful beach party balloon + banner layout! We So Extra Events And Creations you rock! Check ‘em out here!