Hi Friends + Fam!
Our sweet Riley girl is officially 5 months old. This one hit me like a ton of bricks. It snuck up so quickly I barley had time to process what was happening. Every day I feel like she changes and I can’t help but be a little sad. But I’m so thankful she’s mine and I get to watch her grow. Here’s her 5 month update below.
Riley’s monthly update.
Riley is: 5 months old.
Riley weighs: 14lbs per her last checkup on May 11th.
Riley is eating: EBF on demand. Hoping to start baby led weaning at the end of June maybe.
Riley sleeps: She does okay. She still wakes up a few times a night to feed. But it doesn’t cause any restless nights for mama which is fine by me.
Riley likes: To ride. She’s still not the biggest fan of her car seat but I’ve noticed something. Whenever I put her in the car seat she seems to get excited. I think she totally knows it’s time to go somewhere she gets so happy.
Riley dislikes: Naps. Ugh well I’m not sure it’s it fair to say she dislikes them but she definitely doesn’t nap for long. Cat naps still even at 5 months. She’s also not the biggest fan of being put down for long periods of time. She likes being held.
Riley is learning: To sit up. Every day we practice with her and she will sit up for a few seconds before she topples over.
Riley monthly accomplishment: She is making new noises with her mouth. It’s funny sucking noises. She also has learned to put her toes in her mouth.
Riley random fact: Her hair is now long enough to be braided. My mother couldn’t wait lol.
So this is Ry’s update! And be sure to follow us on Instagram for more updates + be right back here next month for her 1/2 birthday update!