Hi friends + family.
How are you guys? Well I’m great but I must admit I’m still spinning from my March book. This book entitled Safe In My Arms by Sara Shepard was a fun ride. Let’s jump into the review.
Safe In My Arms the review.
Before I get started on my review I just wanna remind you guys that most of my reviews have spoilers. So please if you don’t like spoilers stop reading now. Anywho the book takes place in todays modern times and follows 3 moms Lauren, Andrea and Ronnie who send their children to the town’s lavish preschool Sliver Swans. But shortly after school starts each child comes home with a threatening note in their backpacks. The moms end up teaming up to figure out who sent these notes and why. But in the mist of it all the schools picture perfect principal Piper is attacked. Now with fingers being pointed in each direction who attacked Piper? Who sent these notes? And who is threatening to reveal everyone’s secrets? So the author of this book is also the writer of Pretty Little Liars which I love! I mean hello my daughters name is Aria. I did not know that when I purchased the book but I was really happy to learn that. The book was enjoyable and it actually was not predictable. The beginning started off a little slow the middle was OK and the end was really good. I did feel like the book focused a ton on painting a picture of each character than the actual plot. I sort of wish it would’ve focus more on the plot then focusing more on what the character look like and what their homes look like and what their Louis Vuitton bag look like. But that is my only complaint. And I was also really shocked to learn that one of the moms was trans which was pretty cool. And another one of the moms wasn’t the biological mom at all. Another mom had postpartum rage which one of my friends recently suffered from so it was nice to actually have an author talk about that. The book also focused on a few men and one of them really shocked me at the end. I won’t say who because I won’t give away anything but you will never believe he was involved in some things so disgusting. The book also told the story of things like money laundering, strippers, sex, and even domestic violence. Though this book touched on some hard topics it was actually a really good book. I give it nine out of 10 stars and I would recommend it to anyone who loves mom thrillers.