Hi friends + family!
TODAY MY OLDEST BABY IS 8 YEARS OLD! My gosh I can’t even believe I just typed that. But it’s true my sweet Ivy girl is 8. The one who made me a mama. The one who taught me how to love someone more than I love myself. The one who changed my whole life. Today she is 8.
Today we are celebrating our girl at Disneyland. She requested Disney for her birthday so we packed up, flew out and made it happen.
Ivy has one of the best hearts you’ll ever come across. She’s sensitive yet strong, tiny yet big, crazy yet calm. She was perfect to be the first born for our family. She always has the most welcoming smile on her face and loves everyone. Every day I look at this kid and I am so thankful for her. 8 years ago when her life started so did mine. Happy birthday to my beautiful Ivy Rose. I love you so much!