Hi friends + family!
I am the mother of a newborn. I spend my days changing diapers, breast feeding and getting in all the newborn snuggles I can. Plus as we all know I also am the mother of a 6 and a 7 year old that keep me on my toes as well. Though the newborn stage is definitely unlike any age or stage it’s one that I do love. While I do love it doesn’t mean it’s not hard so any help I can get to make things easier is totally a must. On todays blog I am happily sharing my top 6 newborn items I think every mom should have.
6 Newborn must haves.
1. Mamaroo bassinet: We didn’t get Riley this bassinet until she was maybe 3 weeks old. But boy oh boy I wish we had it from the very first day we brought her home cause it is amazing. The bassinet is from 4moms and it’s one of a kind. Not only is it easy to assemble but it also is sort of compact. It doesn’t take up much room at all. It has 5 speeds and even different types of white noise. I always put Riley in it durning her morning naps and she sleeps well.. like a baby. It also has a bottom storage which I keep her items in. Stuff like diapers, cream, swaddles etc.
Check it out on my Instagram here.
2. Goumikids gowns: These are the absolute BEST EVER! When Ivy and Aria was little I never used gowns with mitten attachments. Hell I didn’t even know that was a thing! But now on my 3rd baby I wish I would of have these with 1 and 2. The gowns are made of super soft material and cute patterns and designs. The button at the bottom makes it so easy to change the baby. Oh and but of course the mittens keep them from scratching their face or in Riley’s case pulling the crap out of her hair. They are definitely worth the money!
Check it out on my Instagram all over but a direct link here. You can even use my code: MISSPORSHA for 15% off.
3. Electric NoseFrida: This thing is pretty cool unlike the original Nose Frida where you literally suck boogers through a straw which I always thought was super gross this one is electric. It vacuums boogies and snot from your baby’s nose and has 3 levels of power. It also is made with a changeable silicone tips and has awesome colorful lights to distract the baby.
Check it out here.
4. Baby oral cleaner: My good friend Kayla told me about this one. Just like me she recently had a sweet baby girl and discovered these really cool oral cleaners. Riley obtained thrush and it was hard to get rid. These tiny cleaners really helped. They are made of skim gauzes and paper handles. They’re made for one time use and Riley doesn’t seem to mind when we use them. I’ll probably continue using them until she stars teething.
Check them out here.
5. Design Dua Moses Pod: This is a baby lounger that is nice and snug. From the day we brought Riley home she has been in love with this. I think it makes her feel like she’s being held and it really comforts her. The longer is organic cotton and fits in a bassinet. I wish we had one in every room.
Check it out on my Instagram here.
6. Solley Baby wrap: Baby wraps have been popular forever but not with me. I always swore I would never wear a wrap because it was to complicated. Now I can’t go without my wrap. Once you get the hang of them they’re so easy to use. The baby sleeps great being so close to you. Plus you get lots of errands done too. It’s stretchy and probably my favorite item on the list.
Check it out on my Instagram here.
Let the newborn times roll.
Well guys there you have it 6 must have items I feel like every newborn parent should have. What newborn items are on your must have list? What can’t you live without? To the newborn parent reading this hang in there, enjoy every moment and congratulations on your new babe!