Hi friends + family.
Today we start something a little new here in our space. Today we start book reviews. Of course here on the blog I’ve always done book reviews here and there. But I pledge to do them monthly now. Oh! and I’m not talking kid books (sorry kids). Though you can find some of those over on my Instagram. Each month here I will be reviewing books that I have been reading from my own personal library. So not only will you get to learn more about what I like to read. You will also get a small review on the book as well. Yes I said small. So to make things more interesting these reviews will only be one paragraph. I will basically talk about what the book is suppose to be about, how I perceived it and then my review. Short, sweet and simple. Plus this way you the reader can make your own decision on the book based on a small expert from me. So enough talking! Let’s just jump right into our first review for January.
January book review (Making marriage simple 10 Relationship Saving Truths).
Making marriage simple 10 Relationship Saving Truths was the first book I choose to read for the year 2022. The book is about well.. it’s pretty obvious what it’s about, marriage. The book is basically suppose to be a saving grace for building a stronger marriage. Written by the husband and wife duo Harville and Helen this little book can be powerful. What drew me to this book was the cover. It was nice, clean straight to the point. I am a huge fan of self help books and let’s be real here. Marriage is beautiful but it’s not always rainbows and sunshines. So why not conjure up some great tips for the journey? I give this book 8/10 stars. I loved the short chapters because as a busy mom I don’t have a ton of time to read so that was convenient. I also loved the chemistry between Harville and Helen. Even reading book I felt it between the pages. Their straight forwardness when it came to the tips on how to have healthy arguments were great. My favorite chapter was on the turtle (Dayjhan) and hailstorm (me) (read for yourself it’s GOOD). But the reason I gave the book an 8 was the exercises. The exercises I found were hard to do without Dayjhan being present. But even when he was present without him reading the chapters I found the exercises a little harder to explain to him. I wish there was an option for you to do solo exercises and maybe teach them to your partner later. But nevertheless the book is still worth the read. So be sure to check it out.