Hi friends + family!
Guess what? Can’t believe I’m writing this but my sweet baby girl is officially one month old. Sigh… those 29 days flew by so fast it hurts. Part of me is so sad how fast it already seems to be going. But on the other hand part of me is so thankful at how happy and healthy she is. She’s progressing so much already she is one smart little bean.
Each month I will be writing a monthly update on Riley fairly similar to what I did for my pregnancy updates (read last one here). Be sure to check out Riley’s monthly updates here. But for more of her & fun videos & stories be sure to follow my Instagram here. Alright peep Ry’s update below.
Riley’s monthly update.
Riley is: 1 month old.
Riley weighs: 6lbs at her last check up.
Riley is eating: Milk lots of milk only of course. Most breast milk but some times formula too because fed is best.
Riley sleeps: Pretty much most of the day. She’s been gracing us with her presences durning the day though more & more. Maybe 2-3 hours at a time.
Riley likes: To stare at faces for a long period of time. Loves her Soley baby wrap & she also loves the boob.
Riley dislikes: Being put down & her car seat.
Riley is learning: To sign. I did sign language with Ivy she caught on fast. Not to much with Aria. But I will try to stay on top of it with Riley.
Riley monthly accomplishment: Rather she’s aware of it or not she can scoot a little.
Riley random fact: When I whisper shh shh she really enjoys it.
Well guys that’s it for this month. Be sure to visit us here every month for more of my sweet girl. See ya!