Hi Friends!
Guess what? We are just 12 days away from Christmas can you believe that? Only 12 days left! So while some are making sure they got their last minute gifts. While others are just putting up the Christmas tree. Here in my house we are enjoying all the holiday foods. Especially with me being pregnant you know holiday foods are number one in this house. So I recently saw something fun on Pinterest and decided to try it melted snowman bark.
Melted snowmen what?
Melted snowmen bark is an easy and fun recipe for the holidays that anyone in the house can enjoy. Plus it only takes about an hour to make. It’s delicious and you only need a few ingredients. Oh and one of the best parts is the kids can help. It’s pretty much bark that looks like a melted snowmen. Cute right? So check out the list of ingredients below.
What you will need for your snowmen.
1. White candy melts.
2. Stick pretzels.
3. Mini Recess.
4. Red M&Ms.
5. Orange sprinkles.
6. Wax paper.
7. Baking pan & silicone spatula.
How to make your snowmen.
Step 1. Melt your white candy melts until they are completely creamy. A lot of people do their mouths differently but I like to do mine over the stove.
Step 2. Once the candy melts are melted lay down your wax paper on a baking pan and cover wax paper with the melt. Spread the melt by using a silicone spatula for best results.
Step 3. You have to be fast when it comes to these next two steps because the melts likes to start setting kind of quickly. So first I like to start by dropping the hats on the melts first. Aka the mini Recess. It’s best to cut them in half and lay them flat in the bark.
Step 4. Next you can do this and whatever order you want but I like to drop the eyeballs then the orange sprinkles for the nose. Then the red M&Ms for the buttons and lastly the pretzels for the arms.
Step 5. Put your park in the fridge and let cool for about an hour. Once the bark has completely hard in carefully break the bark into pieces. I’ll actually used a knife to gently cut the bark. Oh yeah! You’re done! Time to share the goodness with your family.
Snowmen Never Tasted So Yummy!
So there you have it a snowman treat for all to eat. I hope you enjoy this recipe and if you make it let me know. I also hope you enjoy the wonderful holiday season with your family I’ll be back soon with another phone recipe stay tuned!