Happy bump date! 34 weeks today! 6 weeks or less to go we are in the “home stretch” as my friend told me this morning. She also said she’s ready to start making some bets on delivery date/time/weight. Everything with this pregnancy has been so different from the last two. So many twist and turns! I can’t wait to meet this little one. If baby can just stay put at least two more weeks. If you recall Aria was born at 36 weeks. So we’re walking on egg shells here. Well let’s waddle into days bump date shall we?
Baby size: Baby C is the size of a freakin pineapple! I am carrying a human sized baby pineapple in me! Holy shit.
My weight: Currently 180. As a matter of fact.. I am done answering this question as if I go over my current weight I will cry. So I’d rather not know.
My cravings: Charley’s teriyaki cheese steak. My gosh if I could eat one every day I swear to you I would.
Baby items: Yesterday I added sheets to the crib. Diaper bag/hospital bag is packed. Anything from here on out is a want not a necessity. I feel so thankful for that.
Baby movements: Baby is like a prisoner trying to escape and also has the hiccups 4-5 times per day. The girls love it they think it’s so funny.
Current mood: I have been extremely tired lately you know growing a human and all. Our weather has also been very foggy and cold. So those two things together have made me super sleepy. Nevertheless I feel fine just napping more durning the day which I never use to do.

Future bump dates.
As promised I will be updating here every week until the baby is born. Thank you for checking in on my weekly bump date! See ya soon!