Happy bump date! Oh my word I know it’s been such a long time since my last blog bump date. If you follow along on Instagram I post weekly there. But sometimes it’s harder to sit down and curate an entire blog. Any who Baby C is doing great and I’m so happy to share my 33 week bump date with you guys.
Baby size: Baby C is the size of a butternut squash. Oh and getting heavy! According to my apps around 4lbs. Durning my last appointment with my OB she stated I was measuring a whopping 33 weeks pregnant. Durning that time I was only 31 weeks. Now actually being 33 weeks I am curious what I am measuring.
My weight: Currently 180. Started this journey at 185 so will see what happens.
My cravings: Still craving my Sprite water everyday. But besides that I’ve been totally craving ice cream and as of right this second hot fries!
Baby items: We are done! We officially have everything we need for the baby. Besides grabbing last minute onesie that I got on Black Friday sales the baby is set.
Baby movements: This baby has been so active this pregnancy we have dubbed Baby C the karate kid. I’ve even visited the doctor for having soreness in my ribs. This is one wild child.
Current mood: I feel okay. Haven’t thrown up in over a month the longest streak so wahoo! Other than round ligament pain and bathroom breaks every hour I’m doing pretty okay.
Future bump dates.
Thanks for checking up on baby C. I only have 7 weeks or less to go so I am hoping to stay consistent and post a bump date every week until the baby is here! Hold me to it! Stay tuned:)