Hi friends!
One week ago yesterday something happened. I officially turned 32 years old. While all my friends and family were asking me what I wanted for my birthday I simply replied I just wanted a low key day of rest at home.
My favorite cousin ever Alisa came to visit from Germany so the night before she spent the night and spent most of my birthday with me. Along side with her daughter Zoe, my niece Pej and of course Ivy and Aria. We went to breakfast, took the kids to the park and just had a simple relaxing day. Once she left my dad visited, Dayjhan came home from work we had my favorite for dinner Tokyo Steakhouse take out and sat in front of the fire place until I pretty much drifted to sleep.
It was honestly the best birthday I’ve had in years.
The older you get or at least for me the more you realize you don’t always need huge photoshoots, extravagant parties or fancy gifts to make your birthday special. I am so grateful for those things of course and who knows what next year’s birthday will hold (*cough hopefully Disneyland). But one things for certain as long as I have my family and friends around my birthday will always be the best day ever.
Here’s to year 32, please be good to me 🙂