Hey friends! Can you believe we are only days away from Halloween? I know it’s pretty darn exciting if you ask me. Many people are staying in again this year for the holiday which can be just as fun. But rather you are staying in, having a small get together like us, going out or just hanging out these fun and easy pumpkin patch pudding cups will be the talk of any party. So let’s get started!
Products you will need.
So like I said before these are super simple and you may just have most or all of the ingredients you will need right in your very own kitchen. Here’s what you need for your pumpkin patch.
- Chocolate Pudding cups.
- Oreos.
- Green sprinkles.
- Leaf sprinkles (optional).
- Mellowcreme Pumpkins.
- Toothpicks.
- Tape.
- Small piece of paper.
- and lastly a marker.
Creating your pumpkin patch.
Step 1. Crunch up your Oreos and add them into the top of your pudding cup.
Step 2. Take your green sprinkles and spread them even throughout your pudding cup.
step 3. Repeat step two with your leaf sprinkles.
Step 4. Add in your Mellowcreme pumpkins. You won’t need many 1-2 will do the job.
Step 5. Take your small piece of paper write out a cute little pumpkin sign with your marker and tape the toothpick to the back of your paper.
Simple, simple! You are all done and now ready to eat and enjoy your pumpkin patch pudding cups wahoo!
Happy Halloween!
Well friends there you have it, a cute treat for all to eat. I hope you all enjoy these sweet little pumpkins and I hope you all an amazing and safe Halloween. If you’d like to share some of your favorite treats feel free to send me a message on Instagram or shoot me a fun email! See ya!