Happy bump date! Making my entrance to the party later than usually of course but let’s just right into the bump date shall we?
Baby size: Baby C is the size of a cantaloupe. Baby rolls around constantly like one as well.
My weight: while I did have an appointment yesterday they did not measure me. Booo!
My cravings: I actually haven’t been having a ton of cravings lately. I typically am just eating whatever sounds good at the moment. But I definitely have had a taste for my moms home made chicken and rice. It’s so flavorful and tasty. Aria and I always fight over the last spoonful.
Baby items: I am officially shopping for clothes! I am excited. But as far as bigger baby items go we got our mamaroo and bassinet set up, got our car seat last night, ordered a crib/changing table. But still on the hunt for a small yet efficient diaper bag. Anyone know any good brands?
Baby movements: Baby C is still on the move and movements get stronger daily. Unfortunately still haven’t caught a really good one on camera.
Current mood: Right now I am eager to meet this baby especially being at the half way mark. Of course we still have a ways to go so I am keeping my cool and counting down the days to our 4D ultrasound in a few weeks!
Future bump dates.
That’s all for now guys! Thank you for letting me share. Looking forward to my future updates about baby C. See you next week!