Happy bump date! As I hit a new weekly milestone every Sunday I will try to share updates. My morning sickness has been very unkind to me so I can’t promise I’ll be here every week but I will sure try. In the meantime check out baby C’s first bump date below.
Baby size: Baby C is the size of a pear.
My weight: I have actually lost 23lbs!
My cravings: Taco-bell crunch wraps & spicy chicken nuggets from Wendy’s.
Baby items: I have got a handful of neutral clothing. I love shopping for those tiny little items.
Baby movements: I feel the flutters of baby C but nothing big. They’re very random and sporadic a few times per day. I get so excited I can’t wait till they’re consistent.
Current mood: I feel okay today but typically I am nauseous. It’s strange my mornings are great. By noon it’s hit or miss with the sickness. Then at night I am super sick right before bed time.
Future bump dates.
I’ve known I was pregnant since the moment I got pregnant. It’s strange to explain but it’s just something I felt in my heart. I officially took a test only a few days before my 3rd week. I took an early test which confirmed I was pregnant. I wish I could of did weekly updates from the start but after week 5 it’s been downhill morning sickness. Now at 15 weeks I am so excited to feel a little bit better to share things with you guys. Looking forward to my future updates about baby C. See you next week!