Hi friends! When’s the last time you read a good book? Not just any book. I mean a really good book. The kind that makes you eager to get get back to your book after a long day at work, school, mothering. The kind that you might even say changed your life? Well for me it had been about a year since I read a really good book. So when my favorite blogger Naomi Davis aka Taza announced she would be putting out her very first book A Coat Of Yellow Paint, needless to say, I couldn’t hit the pre-order button fast enough on Amazon. Note this review is not to disclose spoilers or go into depth picking apart each chapter but more of an overview of what to expect if you decide to pick the book up yourself.
Ā Naomi Davis is…
Naomi Davis is the creator and writer of Lovetaza.com I have followed Naomi + the Davis clan since her firstborn Eleanor was only a few months old. Through her journey in Washington from having 1 little to 5. All of the central park double stroller play dates and yummy New York city take-out. To her now warmer days with a big backyard and chickens in Arizona. Naomi has been someone I have looked up to for a very long time. Today I am so honored to give my honest review of her bright yellow book A Coat Of Yellow Paint.
A coat of yellow paint my review.
The night I first opened the book A Coat Of Yellow Paint I was on vacation with my family. It was spring break for our girls and we decided to take a trip down to Monterey for a few days. During that time my family and I were excited to escape the heat of Sacramento and be in a city that was a little bit cooler. That’s funny as I currently write this at home in my bed with the heater on full blast. Anywho it had been a long day at the beach when we decided to go back to our hotel for the night. I plopped down on the bed and open up my book. As I did so I remember leaning over and showing my husband photos of Naomi and her littles which is what you will see when you open the first page of the book. I traced the photos. with my fingers as I giggled and repeated “Oh! I remember this blog post.” “Omg, I remember this photo.” “Ah, she posted this on her Insta story that one time.” I realized I was fangirling and I needed to actually get into reading the darn book.
I loved how Naomi dedicated her book to her readers. Typically most authors dedicated their books to their family so off the bat I thought that was really beautiful of her. Skimming through the table of contents I was hopeful for each chapter. Each one sounded like something exciting and I couldn’t wait to dive in and take mental notes. As I started to read a few lines from Josh Davis Naomi’s husband my excitement only grew bigger and fast forward through the introduction I knew I would take away a lot from this book as I had from her blog for so many years.
I was right! Chapter to chapter each one started and ended with a life lesson. A lesson on how to power through the negative and focus on the positive. From bickering with Josh about Costco. paper towels (part 3) haha. To body, positivity which is huge for me (part 2). Getting married young (part 7)Ā and her infertility struggles (part 8 but sprinkled around other parts too) which I didn’t about. Naomi did an amazing job with not only telling her story but also helping you better understand how you can deal with yours. Reading her book almost felt like talking to an old girlfriend. A girlfriend that I had to catch up with and hadn’t seen in years. Which by the way (Part 6) does an awesome job of discussing friendships both young and old.
A coat of yellow paint for me.
Although every chapter was compelling in its own way there was one chapter that stood out to me that I think about every day even a month after finishing the book. (Part 8) page 147. Hallway Church (It Mattered To Mama). In this part, Naomi talked about how she wants her kids to remember her. She talks about how she wants her children to remember her not for her motherly nagging but rather to remember her for what she stood for.Ā This part really got me thinking. Being a mom for the last 7 years has been an adventure of a lifetime. But if you asked Ivy and Aria today “what would you remember your mommy by?” I am curious as to what they would say. Would my girls remember me for yelling at them to put away their LOL dolls? Or would they remember how I packed tiny notes in their lunches and read bedtime stories in silly voices? The takeaway from this part not only made me reevaluate myself as a mom but as a person. It made me promise myself that from now on I will try to stand for something bigger than just being a mom but, a woman. A woman they can look up to and be proud of way after I am gone. Some days mothering is hard as ever. But this particular part of the book reminds me of “the value of putting in effort again and again.“
The yellow bottom line.
The bottom line is there is SO much more to Coat Of Yellow Paint! So much that I didn’t even touch on because again I didn’t want to spoil anything for anyone. But if you ask me? I would recommend this book to anyone! Anyone who feels they are alone and needs the strength to get through a tough situation or day. Anyone who feels like they need a giggle or some advice. For anyone who likes real-life stories and bonus cute kiddos. I would especially recommend this book to us moms. Between losing ourselves as women when we become mothers, juggling a household, and everything in between. The book was written by a woman who knows what we go through. That for me made it a million times more relatable.
Thank you Naomi for writing such a wonderful book. I hope that you know how wonderful you are not only as a mother but an AUTHOR! Moving through the noise in life and motherhood with a little bit more confidence now all thanks to you š
Be sure to check out A Coat Of Yellow Paint here.